The Milk Bar Lacation
Lactation Services by Brenna Anema RN, IBCLC
What is a lactation conlsultant?
A  lactation consultant is a certified health professionals that is dedicated to helping mothers, parents, and babies through their first few months after birth and beyond! Lactation consultants provide education prenatally and feeding preparation for expecting parents. As a lactation consultant I help mothers navigate feeding their infant and the postpartum period. My goal is to be a support to moms in any way they need when it comes to their feeding journey. I provide tools to help new mothers with and and all aspect of feeding their infant, no matter what that looks like.
Why Utilize a Lactation Consultant?
As an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant I help you learn and understand your options of how you can feed your infant in the postpartum period. My own feeding journey included breastfeeding, combo-feeding, triple feeding, and formula feeding with my own two children. This gives me a better unbias understanding of the process of feeding your infant.
There are many emotions during the postpartum period that are normal and valid. Breastfeeding difficulties can bring out many emotions. As your lactation consultant I will strive to be a knowledgeable, calming presence to you and your infant. I will be your biggest encourager to keep you confident and motivated no matter how you feed your infant.
My knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the female body helps me make breastfeeding as uncomplicated as possible for you. Learning how to use breastfeeding tools such as, optimal feeding positions, feeding on demand, skin to skin contact, hand expression, using the right flange size for your breast pump are all examples of how I can physically support your feeding journey.
How Does it Work?
When you hire Brenna as your lactation consultant, she will meet with you once prenatally to provide education about breastfeeding and what to expect postpartum. You will receive Brenna’s personal cell phone number to text and ask questions as they come up. Once you deliver your baby, you will receive two lactation visits during the first 3 weeks postpartum. You can add more visits, as needed.
Lactation Packages
Breastfeeding Prepardness
Meet with Brenna for 1-2 hours before your birth to help provide tools for successful breastfeeding postpartum,
Breastfeeding with Brenna
One breastfeeding education session during the third trimester and 2 postpartum visits within the first 3 weeks postpartum
Additional Visits with Brenna
$100 & up
Once you have purchased a breastfeeding package with Brenna you can add on additional visits for an additional cost based on client needs.